Aaron Halo Travel Routes

[Release: 3.23-LIVE Rel.1 - Updated: 2954-07-20]
[Latest Update: Renamed the article to "Aaron Halo Travel Routes" to match with the fact that it is not used solely for mining.]

Table of Contents:
A Journey Through the Aaron Halo
System-Wide Route Plotting
 (new method)
Refinery Route Charts (old method)
Mining Routes for the Jump Point Gateway Stations


NOTE: The individual Refinery Route Charts have been superseeded by the System-Wide Route Plotting method, which will guide you into the belt along any route that crosses it. 

The Aaron Halo is an asteroid belt within the Stanton system, located between the orbits of Crusader and ArcCorp, that is considered one of the most valuable mining areas in Stanton. More and more details have been revealed about the Aaron Halo during the last one and a half year. We have gone from mostly knowing the positions of the inner and outer borders of the halo along a couple of routes, to learning more about its structure and that it is made up of separate bands.

Now, more details than ever before have been unveiled about the Aaron Halo.

Aaron Halo Density Chart3

 In my latest expedition I have performed an extensive density survey of the halo, to reveal its true structure in detail. The survey was performed by taking images throughout the asteroid belt at 1000 km intervals and then analyzing the number of asteroids in each image. This produced a total of 1746 data points to reveal the density pattern of the asteroid belt.

The survey have disclosed that the asteroid belt consists of ten bands with varying width and density. This was earlier believed to be eight bands, but the new data show that what was previously known as band 2 and band 4 are in fact two bands – now designated as band 2/3 and 5/6.

The Aaron Halo Density chart above is the first representation of the data from this survey.
Check out the full survey report article to see the complete details and findings about the asteroid belt's shape and density.

You can either use the system-wide route plotting method or find individual refinery route charts below. Scroll to the bottom to download a complete PDF of the charts.


A Journey Through the Aaron Halo

This video takes you on a journey through the asteroid belt from inside to outside, along the route between the Stanton map marker and ARC-L3. If you view this alongside the density chart, you can easily see how the density curve is mirrored in the amount of asteroids viewed ingame.


System-Wide Route Plotting  (new method)

The individual refinery charts can still be used to get you into the asteroid belt, but these charts do not include all refinery stations and only contain a select number of routes. After completion of the Aaron Halo density survey and creation of the Aaron Halo Density chart, a new method is available that use the distance to the Stanton map marker in the center of the system as the reference point, which will enable you to arrive in the band of your choice along any route that crosses the belt.

The Aaron Halo asteroid belt is located at the same distance from the Stanton map marker all 360 degrees around the system. It lies right outside the orbit of Crusader (marked with red circle). As long as you plot a quantum travel route that cross the Aaron Halo, either from inside-to-outside or outside-to-inside, you can use the System-Wide Route Plotting method to navigate into the asteroid belt from any starting location.

The x-axis distances in the Aaron Halo Density chart shows the distances from each band within the belt to the Stanton marker in the center of the system. By using these distances as your reference point, you can do a precise Quantum Travel-exit along any route in order to land yourself in the desired location within the asteroid belt. 
Aaron Halo Density Chart3

To use the System-Wide Route Plotting method, follow these steps (this example uses a route between ARC-L5 and HUR-L5): 

  1. Find the exit distance you desire along the x-axis distances in the Aaron Halo Density chart
    (for example; to exit in the center of band 5, exit quantum travel at 20 300 000 km distance from the Stanton map marker)
  2. While at ARC-L5, plot a route towards HUR-L5 and start Quantum Travel
  3. Open the mobiGlas starmap and select the Stanton system marker in the center of the map
  4. Keep an eye on your distance to the marker (upper right corner), when you approach your desired exit distance, close the mobiglas and then exit quantum travel (hold "B")

    (The green line is the route you quantum travel along)
    (The red line is your distance to the Stanton system marker)
mobiGlas map  


Refinery Route Charts (old method)

While the previous versions of these refinery travel route charts indicated the distance to the centre point of each band, the new survey data have revealed that the centre point of a band is not necessarily its most dense point. Therefore, the charts have now been updated to indicate the distances to the verifiable most dense point of each band. As before, the charts contain various routes with each refinery R&R station as the starting point. To reach these points in the asteroid belt, quantum travel along one of the routes and exit quantum travel close to the specified distance for the band you wish to visit.

Refinery Route Chart Example

Example 3.16.1 LIVE

  Example: You are at ARC-L1 Refinery and want to travel to Band 5 on the route towards CRU-L4

  1. Plot a course in the Starmap towards CRU-L4 and start to quantum travel
  2. When the distance left to CRU-L4 is (as close as you can get to) 14 292 609 km, abort quantum travel
  3. You have arrived at the most dense point of Band 5


ARC L1 3.16.1 LIVE
ARC L2 3.19.1 LIVE
ARC L4 3.19.1 LIVE
CRU L1 3.16.1 LIVE
HUR L1 3.16.1 LIVE
HUR L2 3.16.1 LIVE
MIC L1 3.16.1 LIVE 
MIC L2 3.19.1 LIVE
MIC L5 3.19.1 LIVE

 Mining Routes for the Jump Point Gateway Stations 
Conclusion: Not Possible

A recent survey to determine if it is possible to establish routes from the Jump Point Gateway stations in Stanton to travel into the Aaron Halo asteroid belt have concluded that the three Gateway stations are positioned too far above or below the ecliptic plane of the planets. Since the Aaron Halo follows the ecliptic plane, and only rise 5000 km above and below this (a max total of 10000 km thick/high), the offset needed to miss is very small. The possible routes to travel from the Gateway stations will pass far over or under, and will never touch the asteroid belt. These stations are therefore not suitable for routes that will bring you into the Aaron Halo. The image shows an example route, with the orbit of the Aaron Halo (green) and the offset (red) for the route to a Gateway station.
Gateway Offset Example

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Finally, I would like to extend a huge thank you to the SC community! I am honored for the reception this article has received, and I am quite frankly astounded that it has gotten so popular. Your interest in and usage of my routes has helped to push my passion for exploration and discovery to new levels, wanting to deliver all the more content.  So thank you, and I'll see you in the verse!  o7
- CaptSheppard -
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3.19.1-LIVE PDF Download3.19.1-LIVE-Rel1-Refinery to Aaron Halo Mining Routes.pdf
Previous releases:
3.16.1-LIVE PDF Download3.16.1-LIVE-Rel1-Refinery to Aaron Halo Mining Routes.pdf
 3.15.1-LIVE PDF Download3.15.1-LIVE-Rel1-Refinery to Aaron Halo Mining Routes.pdf
3.14.0-LIVE PDF Download3.14.0-LIVE-Rel2-Refinery to Aaron Halo Mining Routes.pdf
3.13.1-LIVE PDF Download3.13.1-LIVE-Rel1-Refinery to Aaron Halo Mining Routes.pdf
3.12.1-LIVE PDF Download3.12.1-LIVE-Rel2-Refinery to Aaron Halo Mining Routes.pdf

Comments (5)

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Amazing work! Thank you CaptSheppard!

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So many hits! Well done Shep!

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Shepard well done in the latest update involving density gradients in the belt.

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Thank you for this great research, CaptSheppard. I already started using your guides to reach the Halo. I look forward to exploring the different entry points, and to make some profit!

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Well done, that is incredibly helpful!

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